Click HERE to view the recording of the liturgy
The Nine Lessons & Carols program is available in two formats:
Click HERE for the program in sequential format
Click HERE for the program in booklet format
The Nine Lessons & Carols program is available in two formats:
Click HERE for the program in sequential format
Click HERE for the program in booklet format
Here is a preview of the choirs and music for Nine Lessons 2021!
SJCS is a strong academic and choral program
perfectly designed for homeschool families who value a solid Catholic formation
in a healthy and positive social environment.
We provide an environment where children truly thrive!
Our approach is creative - Our method is classical - The effects are everlasting.
Thinking of setting up your own homeschooling assistance program next year?
We'll set you up with a well-organized satellite service featuring our SJCS resources.
Call us to find out more about this exciting new service for Catholic families!
Thinking of setting up your own homeschooling assistance program next year?
We'll set you up with a well-organized satellite service featuring our SJCS resources.
Call us to find out more about this exciting new service for Catholic families!
St John Choir Schola's motto, To God Through Beauty, expresses our belief that when children encounter what is most beautiful in the works of man, they become more receptive to the source of beauty which is God Himself. Our program immerses children in a learning environment that upholds truth, goodness, and beauty in conformity with our Catholic faith. We believe this experience allows the children to recognize what is truly beautiful in our culture as well as to appreciate why beauty has universal appeal to all human beings, who are each created in God's image. |
Join us in our SJCS community Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Nine monthly Masses beginning in September until May. See EVENTS for locations of First Friday Masses throughout Calgary and Canmore. Or contact [email protected] for more information. |
OUR MISSION We at St John Choir Schola are committed to: