Our program immerses homeschooling children in a learning environment
that upholds Truth, Goodness and Beauty
that upholds Truth, Goodness and Beauty
SJCS respects the role of parents
as their children's primary educator
and the role of the family as
society's most important institution
as their children's primary educator
and the role of the family as
society's most important institution
Our Junior Program (Grades 1-6) is two days/week Our Senior Program (Grades 7-12) is four days/week All SJCS students participate in the choral program - No auditions! |
Click image to purchase tickets
Join SJCS for all nine consecutive First Friday Masses this Schola year to obtain the graces of the 12th promise of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690): |
I promise thee in the excessive mercy of my Heart that my all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the First Friday in nine consecutive months, the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in my disgrace nor without receiving the sacraments; my divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment. |
"We have been so blessed by this community, the choir, and the academics. The children are thriving both academically and socially, and it has been a huge burden lifted off my shoulders. We love the classical model, the curriculum choices, the physical activity, the choir, the teachers and the other families !"
~B. Family |
"My kids love the choral program and I can see that it's not just empty words on their part because they break into song at home. They never did that before attending the schola!"
~S. Family |
"I thoroughly love the rich curriculum used and have been very impressed with how much my children have learned over the years. SJCS provides a wonderful environment and for me personally it was the perfect setting for my children - the best of homeschooling combined with the best of schooling."
~O. Family |