Hello SJCS Families,
Even though the weather is beautiful, the schola is already in preparation for the fall!
SJCS provides most the books that your students will need for their studies. There are however limited quantities of the literature novels. The attached book list details exactly how many copies are available to be borrowed from our library. Literature tutors do encourage students to purchase paperback copies of the novels so that they can be marked up as they are reading. The list linked above is for all grade 3-12 students.
You will also find a detailed supply list for the different grade groups.
If you have any questions, feel free to email the office.
SJCS Admin
Even though the weather is beautiful, the schola is already in preparation for the fall!
SJCS provides most the books that your students will need for their studies. There are however limited quantities of the literature novels. The attached book list details exactly how many copies are available to be borrowed from our library. Literature tutors do encourage students to purchase paperback copies of the novels so that they can be marked up as they are reading. The list linked above is for all grade 3-12 students.
You will also find a detailed supply list for the different grade groups.
If you have any questions, feel free to email the office.
SJCS Admin